Topic Wise Words

Topic Family:: PAGE #17

:: Now I can see myself in that niche Ive always liked being the lieutenant who keeps things running smoothly in the background :: The electrons that are shared by the atoms to form the bond belong to one of these molecular orbitals:: :: Overall the evening had a genuine sense of bonhomie and hope:: Sean is broke so his best buddy and roommate Dee Loc suggests he gets a job at the local car wash:: The show should only consist of budgerigars canaries zebra finches Bengalese finches pigeons and captive bred British birds:: The really are the sweetest birds in existence flightless defenseless harmless big green budgies :: their affair was triggered by intense sexual chemistry:: If you are going to live with this girl in a conjugal relationship look it up in the dictionary James then its high time you took a good hard look at yourself and your miserable nature:: And off they go and connubially link themselves without even having the banns read:: She cant help but remember the comment that they were practically betrothed from the cradle :: poached egg:: Already cloning embryos using aborted foetuses gene swapping and gene therapy will mean the long term impacts will be immense on our everyday living:: Episiotomy was invented to facilitate forceps deliveries and has continued mainly out of habit not necessity:: I forbore to add that Heathers mother still had two legs when she died in 1989:: Those Puritan forefathers generate their fair share of criticism from we their modernday descendants:: Somehow you feel that even now 17 years later hes still exerting his influence from beyond the grave :: The company is planning to sell or lease the mine and operate it using casual labour and new technology:: Im sure both Mama and Papa will be very proud of you Fenius:: That he is a Mormon a professor and a paterfamilias adds spice to his mischief:: postnatal care:: Some children grow slightly more slowly than others and reach puberty later than average:: The small audience is probably due to licensing laws as half of the audience was made up of baggytrouser pubescents peering through the window in the desperate hope of catching a glimpse of their school mates in action:: Opposition may sometimes seem like a game and there is nothing more puerile than politicians yahbooing each other purely for the sake of it:: The first generation reproductive technologies addressed the felt need for safe and effective methods of contraception and medical termination of pregnancies:: With increased demand for terrapins by epicures prices soared and a market was born to supply the big eastern cities of Baltimore Philadelphia and New York:: She is survived by her father mother brother grandparents aunts uncles cousins and many friends::
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